The Marshall Square Education + Wellness Summit is all about bringing community together–adults, youth, and organizations. It’s about how every person counts and can make a difference when they get involved. Whether voting, volunteering, participating in the Census, or setting personal goals, the Summit is a call to action: “¡Anímate! / Go for it!” We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 28th at @mariasaucedoscholasticacademy

The Marshall Square Education + Wellness Summit is all about bringing community together–adults, youth, and organizations. It’s about how every person counts and can make a difference when they get involved. Whether voting, volunteering, participating in the Census, or setting personal goals, the Summit is a call to action: “¡Anímate! / Go for it!” We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 28th at @mariasaucedoscholasticacademy

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Photo taken at: SaucedoElementaryScholastic Academy

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